Our Mission:
The mission of Rock Steady Boxing is to equip our affiliates to improve the quality of life of people with Parkinson’s disease through a non-contact, boxing-based fitness curriculum.
Tuesdays and Thursdays from 2:30 pm-4:00 pm
Everett-Milton YMCA, Group Fitness Room
103 S Dawson Street, Thomasville GA 31792
Referral Program Only: (once approved there is a fee to participate)
Archbold Therapy
2300 E. Pinetree Blvd.
Thomasville GA, 31792
Phone: 229-228-8050
Fax: 229-584-5979
About the Program:
- Rock Steady Boxing is an exercise program designed to help those diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease of all levels, fight against various symptoms such as rigidity, poor balance, forward posture, shuffling gait, and incoordination.
- Rock Steady Boxing was founded in 2006 in Indianapolis, Indiana, and has over 820 affiliates worldwide.
- Why boxing? Several medical studies on exercise and Parkinson’s have concluded that moderate to high-intensity exercise can slow the progression of Parkinson’s symptoms. This class is a non-contact group fitness class.
- Boxers train to improve:
- Balance
- Hand-eye coordination
- Speed of movement
- Rhythm
- Muscle power
- Mental focus
- Rock steady coaches are trained to modify exercises so that anyone can benefit! We will customize exercise intensity based on individual needs.
Class Format:
Warmup: Stretching, voice activation, body/mind warmup (cardio/plyometrics)
Workout: non-contact boxing, rotational drills, fall recovery training, partner drills, balance challenges, and fine motor games
Core Work: postural improvement, core control
Cool Down: breathing, stretching
*** Recovery and water breaks will be offered throughout the class
What do I need to do to join?
- Once participants have their physician sign their medical release form, they can make an appointment to be screened for the Rock Steady boxing program at Archbold Therapy and Sports Medicine.
- On the first day of boxing, participants will receive their swag bag containing boxing gloves, quick wrap, and a sling bag.
For more information please contact Howell “Tuck” Tucker at (229)-226-3446 or